Typical Restaurant Rome
La Taverna dei Quaranta restaurant is the restaurant near the Colosseum that will get you lost among the unmistakable authentic Roman flavors: carbonara, gricia, cacio e pepe and more.
Ristorante Roma Centro

Typical restaurant Rome center? Here is the best one!

Are you looking for a typical roman restaurant in Rome center? Then here you have come to the right place for you!

The restaurant La Taverna dei Quaranta is the restaurant near the Colosseum That will get you lost among the unmistakable authentic Roman flavors: carbonara, gricia, cacio e pepe and more.

In today's article you will find out:


Ristorante Tipico Roma

Typical restaurant Rome center: let's start with traditions

I will first answer this simple but very important question: What are the classic pasta dishes of Rome?

We will also answer common questions, such as, "Is carbonara, cream and bacon okay?"

Starting from the foundation of this unshakeable food culture, you should know that the first courses Romans par excellence are four: carbonara, cacio e pepe, amatriciana and gricia.

As you will soon find out if you come to visit us, La Taverna dei Quaranta uses only km 0 and very high quality products, precisely to preserve the goodness of these dishes that can far exceed one's expectations if one eats them made by skilled hands. Would you like to know what are the authentic ingredients for these dishes? You're about to find out!

Ristorante Tipico Roma

Authentic flavors: here are the ingredients for carbonara, amatriciana, gricia and cacio e pepe!

Carbonara: world-famous, the carbonara is perhaps the dish whose ingredients are most altered ever. Very often one comes across foreign "revisitations," or at least outside Rome, and this should be the first sign that authenticity may be lacking.

The ingredients carbonara (the real one) are few and simple: eggs, pecorino romano cheese, guanciale, pepper.

La preparation is also very simple: you prepare the pasta on one side (keeping cooking water for the cream) and draining it a couple of minutes beforehand, while on the other side you cook the guanciale slowly and create the base for the egg cream (composed of only yolks, to my taste, but this is subjective) by mixing it together with pepper, the fat released from the guanciale and, of course, pecorino romano.

Guanciale should not be cooked in oil! It must be cooked slowly making it "sweat", so that it cooks in its own fat. Tip: cook it together with a part of the rind (the hard, yellowish part located on the base of the slice of guanciale): this will give it an even stronger flavor, but remember to remove it as soon as the cooking is finished.

Amatriciana: let's start by giving Caesar what is Caesar's; the pasta all'amatriciana does not have purely Roman origins. Despite being part of one of the four quintessential Roman first courses, as the name suggests this exquisite dish originates in Amatrice, a town located in Lazio. Its preparation, as well as its ingredients, is very simple. In fact, you will need seasoned guanciale, pecorino romano cheese, tomato pulp and oil. You first cut the guanciale "a listarelle" (strip-shaped slices about half a cm thick and 2/3 long). Heat a frying pan in the meantime, and when it is hot add the guanciale and "sweat it out"!

In another pan, cook the sauce, consisting only of tomato pulp and salt. WARNING: since pecorino and guanciale are already salty by themselves, adjust well the amount you add to the sauce!

Once the water boils, add - categorically - the bucatini (pasta similar to spaghetti): drain them too a couple of minutes beforehand, then pour them into the pan with the sauce and mantecali for a couple of minutes, then add the guanciale and serve at the table.

Don't forget a nice sprinkling of pecorino once it is planted!

Gricia: pasta alla gricia has an extremely simple preparation, as it has the same ingredients as carbonara except for the eggs. As a preparation there is not much to add, you cook the pasta a couple of minutes less while cooking the guanciale in a separate pan. After the guanciale is ready, it should be removed from the pan and kept aside: that way you can drain the pasta and mantecarla in its fat. Then add the guanciale again, and the pecorino cheese: stir until creamy and inviting. Trick: keep the cooking water aside! The pecorino may start to melt, and by using the cooking water you can quickly give it back the creaminess it needs.

Cacio e pepe: As far as the cacio e pepe is concerned, we are really at the pinnacle of simplicity (without detracting from the tastiness!). In fact, this is the simplest and quickest to cook among the typical Roman pastas, in that you only need to cook the pasta a couple of minutes less and taking out at least half a cup of cooking water, then once drained mantecarla with pecorino romano cheese and pepper at will in the same pot where it was cooked, adding the cooking water as you go until you get the density you think is right.

Ristorante Tipico Roma

Rome typical restaurant, prices and menu

What should you expect from a Typical Roman restaurant in terms of prices and menu?

Normally Roman cuisine Is not very expensive, especially if you come to an osteria that, like ours, is not touristy and was not created to fit into that sector: our dream is to bring to the table the authentic Roman flavors "de 'na vorta," to give a smile and a full belly to anyone who sits impatient to taste them.

In a typical Roman restaurant you will often find few dishes, but just right: certainly can not miss the four great classics, such as precisely carbonara, amatriciana, gricia and cacio e pepe. As for the main courses, on the other hand, you're not in a real typical restaurant in Rome if you can't find the saltimbocca alla romana, eggplant parmigiana, abbacchio a scottadito, and artichoke alla romana.

The prices of a typical honest Roman restaurant are not very high: a first course can cost 10€ to 13€ (but it is very satiating!), and main courses of meat should not exceed 25€.

If you want to know our menu, you can take a look at it by clicking here!

Ristorante Tipico Roma

Advice from a true Roman on which restaurant to choose

One thing is certain: a typical restaurant in Rome is the right choice for every palate. Between entrees, main courses and pizza, it is the ideal place for a romantic dinner, lunch with a few friends or a family night out. The cozy, informal atmosphere makes diners feel at home, while the friendly, joking but attentive service makes The one-of-a-kind experience.

Our typical Roman restaurant is located near the Colosseum, right across the street from Indeed: if you want to try the real Roman culinary experience, all you have to do is visit us!

We also organize events and ceremonies of all kinds: graduations, birthdays, receptions, you name it. If you are looking for a typical restaurant Rome where you can taste the true flavors of this wonderful tradition, then all you have to do is call us to make a reservation!

Ristorante Tipico Roma


Here we come to the conclusion of this article on how to choose the best Rome typical restaurant!

In our trattoria restaurant in central Rome you can rediscovering beauty of this culture and Taste some of the most delicious dishes you will ever taste in your whole life. We also have a trivia section, where we keep you informed about all those things that a person who is Roman may not wonder about: you can find everything here.

For info e contacts feel free to write to us using the appropriate forms or by calling us!

Mobile: 3770288044

Fixed: 0669261812

E-Mail: latavernadeiquaranta@gmail.com