Original Carbonara Recipe
Original Carbonara Recipe: are you sure you know the right answer? Know then that I might surprise you. In fact, with today's article you will find out what is the original recipe for carbonara, this typical Roman dish famous all over the world.
Ristorante Roma Centro

Original Carbonara Recipe: here is the authentic one

Original Carbonara Recipe: are you sure you know the right answer? Know then that I might surprise you. In fact, with today's article you will discover. what is the original recipe for carbonara, this world-famous typical Roman dish.

In today's article precisely you will find out:


Ricetta Carbonara Originale

What is the original and authentic carbonara recipe?

Carbonara is, among the Four early great Roman classics, perhaps the most iconic dish of this beloved and wonderful cuisine. Famous throughout the world for its inimitable taste and the simplicity of its ingredients, has, however, been altered in many ways to try to cater to as many palates as possible.

This, however, is a dish that has a specific task: keeping the tradition intact Roman cuisine, that is, creating a harmony of irresistible flavors with few (but quality) ingredients.

And just about that, What are the ingredients for the original carbonara recipe?

The ingredients for the original Carbonara are:

  • Spaghetti
  • Pillow
  • Egg yolks
  • Grated Pecorino Romano cheese
  • Salt and black pepper


And yes, it is just as I said just now: few, but irresistibly tasty.

Ricetta Carbonara Originale

Carbonara History

Let's talk about history now! Carbonara, just six is the protagonist of today's article: But where did your story come from? Where did this dish that to this day represents Roman cuisine all over the world come from? Who came up with this brilliant idea?

You should know that its origins Are still shrouded in mystery, and there are many theories about it: the first hypothesis, which would explain the origin of its name, links the birth of this dish to a secret movement present in Italy in the 19th century, the "Carbonari." Some legends tell that during their clandestine meetings they prepared this dish made with pasta, eggs, guanciale and pecorino cheese, as these were the only ingredients they had in their meeting places.

Another thought instead causes Carbonara to be born after World War II, by American soldiers who came to Rome. According to this theory, the thought would be that accustomed to their "K rations" with powdered eggs, bacon and cream, they tasted Roman pasta with cacio and eggs and then combined their rations to enrich the flavor, thus giving birth to Carbonara as it is known around the world today.

Last but not least, there is the "Abruzzese" hypothesis: that's right, there are theories that the history of carbonara has its origins in Abruzzo, where shepherds prepared a similar dish (pasta, cacio cheese and eggs). This recipe would later reach Rome, where it would evolve into today's Carbonara.

Ricetta Carbonara Originale

Preparation according to the original carbonara recipe

Regardless of whether it came from Abruzzo, from some particularly smart American, or from secret meetings, Carbonara is now a symbol of Roman cuisine and perhaps the most beloved dish in the world. With its simplicity, goodness and harmony of tastes, it has become a timeless, if relatively recent, classic: in fact, His first written recipe dates back to 1957.
But how do you make real Carbonara?

By following these tips and using first-rate ingredients, you can make a Original Carbonara That will win you over!

1. Cook the spaghetti:

  • Boil plenty of water in a large pot;
  • As soon as it comes to a boil, add the spaghetti;
  • Cook spaghetti al dente, draining it a couple of minutes earlier than the cooking time indicated on the package;
  • Save some of the cooking water.


2. Prepare the jowl:

  • Cut the guanciale into cubes (or strips) of about 1 cm;
  • In a nonstick skillet, brown the guanciale on a low heat without adding oil until crispy;
  • Remove only the guanciale from the pan and set it aside.


3. Creating the cream:

  • In a large bowl, whisk egg yolks with grated pecorino Romano cheese, a pinch of salt, and a generous grinding of black pepper;
  • Mix vigorously until a creamy mixture is obtained.


4. Combine the ingredients:

  • Pour the drained spaghetti into the pan with the fat released from the guanciale;
  • Turn off the heat and mantle until the noodle has absorbed much of the fat;
  • Now combine the guanciale and stir-fry some more;
  • Combine the cream of egg yolks and pecorino cheese;
  • Stir quickly and vigorously to mix everything together, preventing the eggs from cooking (so you must perform this step quickly);
  • Add a tablespoon of pasta cooking water to make the cream more fluid (ONLY if needed).


5. Plate and serve:

  • Plate the spaghetti Carbonara and garnish with the crispy guanciale set aside;
  • Add a sprinkling of grated pecorino Romano cheese and freshly ground black pepper to taste;
  • Serve Carbonara immediately, still hot and steaming hot, to best enjoy its creaminess and intense flavor!


Ricetta Carbonara Originale

Tips for a flawless Carbonara:

True Carbonara is prepared with Guanciale, not bacon. The addition of cream or other non-traditional ingredients is considered a heresy By Carbonara purists.

Remember that the ingredients you will use must be high quality, being few in number. The guanciale must be seasoned, the pecorino cheese must be Roman (DOP preferred) and the eggs imperatively fresh (Category 0).

The spaghetti should be turned off about 2 minutes earlier of the minimum cooking time indicated on the package (that's right, if it says 10-12 minutes on the package, the timer you need to set is 8 minutes).

The most delicate step is adding the cream to the dough: you have to pour it quickly and turn it quickly too, because if you let it sit too long in the pot you risk it becoming an omelet. Fire strictly off in this step.

Use the cooking water only if necessary: in theory, a well-prepared Carbonara does not need the addition of cooking water: however, it is the only modification allowed that does not alter the taste and solves the problem of low creaminess.

The carbonara Should be eaten freshly made. If the plan is to prepare it to eat it even the next day at work, you won't (unfortunately) be able to relive that taste of 10% either.

Ristorante Roma Centro


Here we come to the conclusion of this article on the original carbonara recipe!

Carbonara is more than just a pasta dish. It is a journey through the time, an interweaving of legends e traditions, a symbol of the culture Roman cuisine and a tribute to simplicity and authentic taste.

In our trattoria restaurant in central Rome you can rediscovering beauty of this culture and Taste some of the most delicious dishes you will ever taste in your whole life. We also have a trivia section, where we keep you informed about all those things that a person who is Roman may not wonder about: you can find everything here.

If you have never tasted it, Carbonara is an experience you cannot miss. Preparing it at home or enjoying it in an authentic Roman trattoria will give you an unforgettable sensory journey.

For info e contacts feel free to write to us using the appropriate forms or by calling us!

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